The End of the Internet?

'While the world closely observes the political turmoil in the US, a new wave of censorship suggests a dire future for the freedom of the Internet.'

The Creeping Crisis: Slovakia’s Housing Policy Failure

The obsession with ownership and the lamentable state of our housing policy means we’ve got another thing coming. Housing has been a serious problem in Slovakia for decades. First, there was the socialist housing. Beleaguered with long waiting times and short supply, these government-built apartments carried all the space and comfort of a Turkish prison … Continue reading The Creeping Crisis: Slovakia’s Housing Policy Failure

A House Divided

"If anything, this situation is a show of failure on all sides. Failure of the policemen who detained Floyd to prevent a needles death. Failure of the president to exert leadership. Failure of local authorities to defend their own citizens. And the moment that the protests turned into riots, a failure of human conscience."

Policy of Stupidity

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity". This simple idea, commonly known as Hanlon's razor, is a golden rule when it comes to judging people's behaviour in the world. Especially when it comes to politicians and their failed policies. As much as we would like to think that the people who … Continue reading Policy of Stupidity

Politik der Verbreitung: Was Covid-19 über unsere Identität verrät

Während der vergangenen Monate hat Covid-19 uns viele Dinge gelehrt, die unseren Blick auf die Welt zukünftig verändern können. Unsere Haltung gegenüber China, Black Swan-Ereignissen, hoffentlich die Einstellung zu Hygiene für einige Menschen… Dringend benötigtes Wissen. Die neueste Erkenntnis verbirgt sich in der Art wie wir Informationen verarbeiten und Strategien entwickeln. Jeden Tag sind die … Continue reading Politik der Verbreitung: Was Covid-19 über unsere Identität verrät

Public Policy of the Spread: What Covid-19 Reveals About our Identity

In the last few months, Covid-19 has taught us many things, which can change the way we see the world in the future. Our approach to China, black swan events, hopefully the views on hygiene for some people... Much needed knowledge. The newest lesson lies in the way we process information and approach policy. Every … Continue reading Public Policy of the Spread: What Covid-19 Reveals About our Identity